Thursday, July 18, 2013

Choosing the Correct Partner Will Help Your Bottom Line

"Thank you, and again I appreciate the way your company handled our liquidation."

Even when faced with the closing of his business, Loeb's integrity and business practices helped our client recover capital and propted him to send a note of appreciation for our work.

It is imperative to align yourself with the correct firm who understands the assets you plan to take as collateral. Loeb Term Solutions has recently dealt with 3 situations that required the debtor to auction off their equipment.

In each case, Loeb Term Solutions retained an auction firm that handled the liquidation appraisal and subsequent auction. Each of the auctions were successful in accomplishing a variety of goals: Loeb Term Solutions was paid in full, the working capital lenders were made whole if they had a shortfall on their direct collateral, and the borrower received any excess funds.

Please take a look at the market analysis supplied by Loeb's subsidiary, Loeb Appraisal which describes, in detail, the state of the used equipment marketplace and what verticals are strong.

Download the Appraisal Market in Review

Loeb Term Solutions Recently Closed the Following Deal:

Customer: A high end catering company specializing in healthy food alternatives.

Financial Situation:
The client was in need of additional working capital to pay off their existing bank loan and vendors as they anticipated growth of their business.

Solution: Loeb Term Solutions provided an equipment term loan on the equipment valued in excess of $550,000.

If you are currently working with clients who may have upcoming financing needs, contact Jonathan Bloom today at (773) 496-5737 or

Startups, fast growing, downsizing, bankruptcy, note purchases...We finance all types of businesses because we know asset values!

How can we help you close more deals?

In each situation, we're assisting our customers with start-up expenses, new business development, product expansion, and restructuring of debt.