Friday, March 6, 2015

Loeb Term Solutions Finances Equipment Valued at Nearly $7.8 Million in February

The entire process – initial contact, letter of intent, site visit, due diligence, resolution of gating issues, documentation, and closing – has been one of the easiest interactions that I have had as a turnaround professional in almost 20 years.  – S. Williams, Managing Director

Customer: A South Central Oil Driling Manufacturer

Financial Situation:
The new owner of the company was in need of additional working capital order to complete the acquisition.

Loeb Term Solutions provided a term loan on the equipment valued in excess of $1.9 Million

$3.3 Mil.
to a South Central Oilfield Support Company

$1.4 Mil.
to a Southwest Technology Manufacturer

Southwest Steel Fabrication Facility

Midwest Plastics Manufacturer

Startups, fast growing, downsizing, bankruptcy, note purchases...We finance all types of businesses because we know asset values!

Over $105 Million Worth of Equipment Financed!
How can we help you close more deals?

If you are currently working with clients who may have upcoming financing needs, contact Jim Newman today at (773) 496-5720 or