Thursday, December 17, 2015

Bridging the Gap to Traditional Lending

For many of the clients that come to Loeb Term Solutions for financing, their companies are distressed or in turnaround and they fall outside of the covenants of traditional lenders. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that the company will never be able to qualify with a traditional lender in the future. In fact, Loeb Term Solutions has been the right move at the right time to bridge the gap in financing for a number of companies, who have been able to exit our financing in 24-36 months. 

Loeb Term Solutions' equipment term loans work toward rebuilding a company's credit profile. All of our term loans come with a built in incentive for on time payments. Additionally, clients have a simple option with no restrictions for pre-payment allowing for early payoff at any time. 

Many clients have exercised the option to graduate from LTS' financing early in favor of SBA loans and traditional bank refinancing. Often this is accomplished through restructuring their financing through a real estate loan. Financing on real estate typically takes longer to fund but can have more attractive terms including: interest rate, payment size, and term length. Loeb Term Solutions has worked with customers to provide working capital in the form of an equipment term loan to provide a stop-gap while they pursued financing through their real estate. 

Equipment term loan financing can be an important step for companies to repair their credit and bridge their way back to traditional lending standards. Loeb Term Solutions is proud to have helped so many of our clients along their way back to traditional lending standards. 

We finance all types of businesses because we know asset values!
How can we help you provide the maximum funding amounts to your clients?? 

Currently working with clients who have financing needs? Contact Jim Newman today at (773) 496-5720 or

Learn More About Loeb Term Solutions