Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Asset Based Lending in Volatile Industries

Testimonials From a Client at Every Step in the Finance Life Cycle:

During Due Diligence: "When a strategic acquisition opportunity presented itself, I needed to move fast with assets that typical lenders do not like to finance. To get the deal done, Loeb Term Solutions not only assisted in the syndication, but also assisted in the organization of the collateral and the cleanup of over 600 liens -- all above the other various hurdles normally encountered during an acquisition by a new company." 

After Closing: "Loeb Term Solutions was a real team player in this process and saw these issues through with their persistence, determination and their suggestions to take care of the matter at hand." 

After the Successful Liquidation of Assets: "Thank you for all your help through this. Not sure how this would have gone if you didn't have my back. I will not forget and hope we can do something in the future." 

Asset Based Lending in Volatile Industries

As with any asset-based financing, lending on the machinery requires a pre-planned exit strategy. Volatility in any industry could result in a liquidation of the company and its assets, but it's important for our finance partners and clients to understand that the assets we are lending on potentially have different values depending on the industry utilizing them.

About a year ago, Loeb Term Solutions financed a company in the scrap metals and recycling industry. Changes in the value of scrap metal caused the closure of the business. Recognizing that asset values may be different in other industries, LTS felt the current value of the assets protected its loan and was comfortable in the decision to hold off on the liquidation since we knew much of the equipment would be used in other "healthier" industries. 

The owner decided to work through an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors (ABC), and with the cooperation of all parties, the Assignee was able to liquidate some of the assets under the LTS lien in an Orderly Manner that allowed those buyers to buy before the auction and to continue to service the clients of the Borrower. After several months of this type of liquidation, the remaining assets were offered for sale in Bulk and sold to an Auctioneer group that then ran an auction to sell the remaining individual items piece-by-piece. 

Because of Loeb's valuation expertise and industrial knowledge, all ended well for everyone. The Assignee was able to run an orderly closure of the business, LTS was able to be paid off in full for its Term Loan on the machinery, and the auctioneer made a profit for the work he did selling off the pieces. 

On the other end of the spectrum, we currently have a turnaround situation underway in another volatile market, the printing industry. This deal poses a much bigger risk as printing presses cannot be redeployed for use in other industries. In this case, the exit strategy hinges on working closely with the owner of the shutdown facility, and allowing him time to find competitors who may be interested in his presses before we take them to auction. 

As a lender, LTS recognizes the differences in these distressed industries and we structure our loans accordingly in order to protect both the borrower and the lender. Largely this is accomplished by adjusting the advance rate. For clients with machinery that has a stronger resale value to alternative industries, a larger advance rate can be funded. Whereas companies with very specific machinery to their industry, can only be advanced a smaller portion of their appraised value. Overall, the key to lending within distressed industries is having a solid exit strategy that fully recognizes the value of the machinery and whether or not it may be specific to the industry you're lending in. 

We finance all types of businesses because we know asset values!
How can we help you with your financing needs?

Let us know how we can help! Contact Jim Newman today at (773) 496-5720 or jimn@loebtermsolutions.com.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

LTS Funds Over $2.5 Million Dollars' Worth of Equipment

Loeb is pleased to announce the addition of Joseph Upson to the team as the Southeast Region Business Development Officer. Joe brings over 26 years' experience in the corporate leasing and financing industry to Loeb. He was a co-founder and Principal in CompanionWay Capital, a senior secured lender focused on the middle market sector, as well as Commenda Capital, a broker dealer focused on advisory work for small to middle sized companies. Additionally, Joe's diverse financial background includes strategic positions with Textron Financial, GMAC Financial, Transamerica Financial, SunTrust Bank of Atlanta, Bank of Boston and DeNovo Capital, LLC; a financial advisory and syndication firm which he founded in 2002. He is an active member of the Turnaround Management Association, the Commercial Finance Association, and the Association for Corporate Growth.

Joe is based out of Atlanta, Georgia and will be working with lead sources in the Southeastern states and can be reached via email at JoeU@LoebTermSolutions.com or (773) 496-5743.

LTS Funds Over $2.5 Million Dollars' Worth of Equipment

$2 Million
to a Southwest Rare Mineral Mining Operation

to a Northeast Apparel
& Footwear Manufacturer

We finance all types of businesses because we know asset values!
How can we help you provide the maximum funding amounts to your clients??

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Loeb Welcomes Joseph Upson to the Team as Southeast Region Business Development Officer

Loeb is pleased to announce the addition of Joseph Upson to the team as the Southeast Region Business Development Officer.  He joins the rest of the Loeb team in focusing on expanding the company’s equipment-based lending portfolio, appraisal services, off-lease remarketing services, and auction services.

“It is a pleasure to bring a seasoned veteran in our field onto our team,” stated Jim Newman, Loeb Term Solutions Managing Partner. “Having known Joe in the industry for many years, we’re excited for him to add him to our team.”

Joseph Upson brings over 26 years’ experience in the corporate leasing and financing industry to Loeb. Joe will be working in business development for the company focusing on promoting the financial services of the company, namely the asset-based lending products offered by Loeb Term Solutions.  He was a co-founder and Principal in CompanionWay Capital, a senior secured lender focused on the middle market sector, as well as Commenda Capital, a broker dealer focused on advisory work for small to middle sized companies.  Additionally, Joe’s diverse financial background includes strategic positions with Textron Financial, GMAC Financial, Transamerica Financial, SunTrust Bank of Atlanta, Bank of Boston and DeNovo Capital, LLC; a financial advisory and syndication firm which he founded in 2002.

He is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and is active with the Turnaround Management Association, the Commercial Finance Association and the Association for Corporate Growth.

Since 2010, Loeb Term Solutions has provided funding on over $180 million dollars’ worth of industrial machinery. The company’s asset-based lending division offers term loans on machinery and equipment with funding amounts ranging from $300,000 to $20,000,000.

Joe is based out of Atlanta, Georgia and will be working with lead sources in the Southeastern states providing equipment based financial solutions.

Loeb Term Solutions is an affiliate of Loeb, a fifth generation provider of reliable equipment and related services to the industrial marketplace.  For more information on Loeb Term Solutions and its recently funded deals, visit: www.loebtermsolutions.com.

To contact Joe directly regarding financing or new business opportunities, he can be reached via email at JoeU@LoebTermSolutions.com or (773) 496-5743.